Monday, April 23, 2012

The misunderstood meaning of Blogging

Blogging is Writing : A Myth

Blogging includes writing as a part of it, but it cant be compared directly to writing. In writing you write all your feelings and thoughts, but blogging involves lots of more things.

A Blogger not only have to write well but have to observe well. For blogger, observation is the Resource and observation is the Result. Its all about how you observe your surroundings.

Writing got rules Blogging got freedom! Blogging is more like being a Rockstar. No limits bounding you. All you have to care about is to entertain your Audience. [look, how many grammatical rules I broke!]

Blogging is "Being Social"

The more you interact with people more your gain experience, more your experience more your stock to share, more you share more you Blog. Its the simple funda behind blogging.

You can write a book sitting in a corner of this world but you can't blog departing from this world. Blogging is all about connecting. Its a medium to let your audience connect to you.

Plethora of social websites, youtube, tumblr,etc are all platform to blog on. You need not have your own website for blogging. Just communicate with people on any platform and you are already blogging man!

Blogging is "Learning"

If you blog genuinely then you not only have give output, but also receive input in a large amount. Its all about the "Teaching Learning Process". While blogging you teach and to teach you learn.

Blogging not only makes you learn more but can also change your life. While blogging I realized lots of pits in my life and blogging really helped me fill those pits.

Learn to blog Learn to live.

Blogging is "Fun"

When you blog on your favorite topic its really a fun. The feeling of sharing your thoughts among a huge crowd makes you feel good.

If you are sitting before the screen bored of blogging then its time to realize that you are in the wrong track. Sharing your view on your favorite topic is Fun, and if you are not enjoying it then the topic is not your favorite one, chose some other niche.

So, have lots of fun and enjoy Blogging.

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